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"Our Story Thus Far",
the Ultimate Artist Jam........

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How do you describe in just a few lines the work of 86 people all on one story? Especially a story that includes giant talking roaches, intergalactic kidnapping, Franz Kafka, elder gods, inflatable party dolls, a pink teleporting poodle, Laurel & Hardy, magic lollipops, amazons, Morty the Dog/God, time and space warps, flying mechanical hands, Weird Aliens, hamburger gods, the Nick of Time, magic hats & bunnies, Scratchface Doodlehead, a visit to Dobbstown, deux ex machina, Fang the Warriorette, and a choice of several definitions of "truth" ~all of which just scratches the surface of what is going on in these three volumes!

It all started with artist Brad Foster drawing a page of two guys walking down the street, discussing the humorous side of Franz Kafka... then passing that page on to a second artist to do anything they wanted, take the story in any direction they felt like, but for only one page. Then those two pages went to yet another artist, then those three on to a fourth artist, etc etc. Each artist free to continue the story however they liked (well, with a very few rules to keep it from getting out of hand, or getting us in trouble!). And, amazingly enough, the story still maintains an odd internal logic!

So, check out all three volumes here, and then you'll be ready when the next installment of even more artistic contributors is ready, 'cause this jam can only get bigger and weirder!

~ The OUR STORY THUS FAR Collection ~
Our Story Thus Far #1
Our Story Thus Far #1
( 32 pgs, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", b&w )  $2.50   To Order Form

   Contributors to Volume One, in order of appearance:
Brad W. Foster, Jim Ryan, David Miller, Par Holman, John Cosgriff, Steve Lafler, Rick McCollum, Mark Heike, Rich Larson, Joan Hanke-Woods, Eric Vincent, Ken Huey & Douglas Vencill, Jim Siergey, Tim Boxell, Cliff Neal, John Howard, Jeanne Gomoll, George Erling, Walter Rodgers, cat yronwode, Steve Fox, Trina Robbins, Jim Thompson, Greg High, Rick Geary, Marc Schirmeister, Doug Potter, and George Proctor    (cover by Foster)

Our Story Thus Far #2
Our Story Thus Far #2
( 32 pgs, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", b&w )  $3.00   To Order Form

   Contributors to Volume Two, in order of appearance:
Jim Valentino, Dave Patterson, Garry Hardman, David Lee Anderson, Jane Oliver, Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, Steve Willis, Keith Woods, Kerry Gammill, Bill Anderson, Roger Stine, Lela Dowling, Kim Muslusky, Reg Platt, Roldo, Keith Wilson, Matt Wagner, Doug Holverson, Randy Clark, Larry Dickison, Chester Brown, Kat Cruickshank, Kyle Miller, Tom Roberts, Jim Williams, Phil Foglio, and Kenneth Smith    (cover by Foster)

Our Story Thus Far #3
Our Story Thus Far #3
( 32 pgs, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2", b&w )  $3.00   To Order Form

   Contributors to Volume Three, in order of appearance:
George Kochell, Dell Harris, Terry Tidwell, Lea & Mark Hernandez, David Welling, David Martin, Mel. White, Paul Curtis, Michael Gilbert, Steve Erwin, Mark Martin, Jeff Kear, Joe Singleton, Real Musgrave, David Cherry, John P. Morgan, Jeffrey Haas, Richard Bruning, Robert Crabb, Joe Zabel, William Messner-Loebs, Joe Staton, Bill Fitts, Dave Tosh, Parsonavich, Bob Corby, T.K. Atherton, and Jeff Nicholson    (cover by Foster)

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Artworks by Foster | Comics & Zines | Contact Info and Mail List | Printable Order Forms

The Official Stuff! Jabberwocky Graphix.com, Brad W. Foster, all art, words, images and such like stuff contained anywhere and everywhere on this site are copyright © Brad W Foster, who would really appreciate it if you didn't copy this stuff anywhere else without asking him about it first, since this is how he tries to makes a living, so if you like his stuff and want to see him create even more, you'll not spread around the stuff already done for free. How's that? You can always write Brad anytime at jabberwocky2000@hotmail.com with any questions. Oh, and you can click here for my thoughts on the whole copyright thing!