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 Complete Prints Gallery
     in thumbnails........

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"Your Inner Robot" | FAQs | Artworks by Foster | Comics & Zines | Contact Info and Mail List | Order Forms

     This page is designed for people who have seen my work at an art festival, and have a general recollection of the piece they are looking for, but not sure exactly of the title. or what category it might be placed in, or how to describe it.
    Here you will find thumbnail images of every print that is presently available. Click the link and it will take you directly to the full size image and all information about that piece.

    As well, if you've not seen the work before and just want to make sure you get a look at everything, go through these images one at a time and you'll see the entire inventory of prints. (Of course, there are still lots of odd little publications, zines and comics elsewhere on the site. Plus original artwork and commissions, oh, and pictures of my cats, and my toy robots... yep, you can spend hours of your time on this site. So, why not go make a nice snack and then get set to spend the rest of your day here?)


Alphacats Argent Frog Argent Park Argent Rabbit Armored-dillo Athenaeum
Alphacats Argent Frog Argent Park Argent Rabbit Armored-dillo Athenaeum


Bartender, Bring Me a Beer and a Mop Battle of the Blossoms Beware of Guard Dragon Big Boy Big E Big Paw
Bartender, Bring Me Beer & a Mop Battle of the Blossoms Beware of
Guard Dragon
Big Boy Big E Big Paw

Blue Boy Book Bug A Boy and His Bots Brothers in Spirit Building a Better Dragon
Blue Boy Book Bug A Boy and
His Bots
in Spirit
Building A
Better Dragon


Cheshire Cat From Outer Space Christmas Sparkles Cosmo Warrior
Cheshire Cat From Outer Space Christmas Sparkles Cosmo Warrior


Dark Dancer Delta to Delta Different Study Habits Directions From a Dragon Dragonberry Pie Dragon Rainbow
Dark Dancer Delta to Delta Different
Study Habits
Directions From a Dragon Dragonberry Pie Dragon Rainbow

Dragons Can Hit the Hi Notes Dream Home Dragon Heart Drat & Cragon
Dragons Hit the High Notes Dream Home Dragon Heart Drat & Cragon


Eagle of the White Rose Easily Amused Eve Eye of the Eagle
Eagle of the White Rose Easily Amused Eve Eye of the Eagle


Fantasy Procession: Caravan Fantasy Procession: Music Fantasy Procession: Rhino Female-Feline Fitzwhizzle Books Floating Bubble of Beauty
Procession: Caravan
Female-Feline Fitzwhizzle Books Floating Bubble of Beauty

Feline Fence Ballet Flying Spaghetti Monster
Feline Fence Ballet
Flying Spaghetti Monster


Ghost Writer's Club Giggling Dragon The Great Balloon Race
Ghost Writer's Club Giggling Dragon The Great
Balloon Race


Harry the Yellow-Nosed Reindeer A Helpful Hand With the Magic Lesson Holiday Magic Honey Hunt
Harry the Yellow-Nosed Reindeer Helpful Hand With Magic Holiday Magic Honey Hunt


Innocence In the Garden Iron Moose
Innocence In the Garden Iron Moose


Jabberwocky Jade Princess
Jabberwocky Jade Princess

JazzCat: Wayne Shorthair JazzCat: Cat Corea JazzCat: Cheetah Mingus JazzCat: Furry Rich JazzHorns JazzHorns 2
JazzCat: Shorthair JazzCat:
Cat Corea
Furry Rich
JazzHorns JazzHorns 2


The Lady and the Tiger Late Night Library Leopard Librarian The Lion & the Unicorn
The Lady and
the Tiger
Late Night
Leopard Librarian The Lion &
the Unicorn
Longhorn Dragons Love to Show Off The Look Lovecraft
Longhorn Dragon The Look Lovecraft


Magical Macaw Magic, It's Not Just a Job... It's a Lifestyle! Masks Mech-Owl Monarch Mother and Child
Magic, It's Not Just a Job Masks Mech-Owl Monarch Mother
and Child


Night Floater Nile Priestess
Night Floater
Nile Priestess


Oktoberfest Out of the Shadows
Out of the Shadows


Parking Orbit Passions Restrained Phosphorescent Aviator Pile o' Ferrets Poe Power Dive
Parking Orbit Passions Restrained Phosphorescent Aviator Pile o' Ferrets Poe Power Dive

Prince of Blood Purr Mechanism
The Prince
of Blood
Purr Mechanism




Rainbow Cats Ralph vs Ralph Thanks to Ralph Reindeer Run Relaxed But Attentive Resplendent Reindeer
Rainbow Cats Ralph
vs Ralph
Reindeer Run Relaxed But Attentive Resplendent Reindeer
Rock Dragon Romantic Research
Rock Dragon Romantic Research


Setting Sail Shadowhawk Sisters of the Sea Smaug Spelling Bee Stalking Moon
Setting Sail Shadowhawk Sisters of the Sea Smaug Spelling Bee Stalking Moon

The Stare The Stars At Night Are big and Bright Stuck Sword Dancer
The Stare The Stars At Night Stuck Sword Dancer


Tail-Wagging Mechanism Taylor Brothers Tailors Thaumaturge Tiger
Tail-Wagging Mechanism Taylor Brothers Tailors Thaumaturge Tiger

Twelve Days 1: Partridge Twelve Days 2: Turtle Doves Twelve Days 3: French Hens Twelve Days 4: Cawing Birds Twelve Days 5: Golden Rings Twelve Days 6: Geese
Twelve Days 1
Twelve Days 2
Turtle Doves
Twelve Days 3
French Hens
Twelve Days 4
Cawing Birds
Twelve Days 5
Golden Rings
Twelve Days 6

Twelve Days 7: Swans Twelve Days 8: Milkmaids Twelve Days 9: French Drummers Twelve Days 10: Pipers Twelve Days 11: Ladies Twelve Days 12: Lords
Twelve Days 7
Twelve Days 8
Twelve Days 9
Twelve Days 10
Twelve Days 11
Twelve Days 12


Under Ironwoods
Under Ironwoods


Voyaging Together
Voyaging Together


Waiting for Godot³ Where Does a Drunk Dragon Sleep? Winter Wolf Wizard in the Night Wonder
Waiting for Godot³ Where Does a Drunk Dragon Sleep? Winter Wolf Wizard
in the Night

Main Page | Site Map Flow Chart | Full Site Index | Alphabetical Title List | About Jab & Brad | Show Schedule
"Your Inner Robot" | FAQs | Artworks by Foster | Comics & Zines | Contact Info and Mail List | Order Forms

The Official Stuff! Jabberwocky Graphix.com, Brad W. Foster, all art, words, images and such like stuff contained anywhere and everywhere on this site are copyright © Brad W Foster, who would really appreciate it if you didn't copy this stuff anywhere else without asking him about it first, since this is how he tries to makes a living, so if you like his stuff and want to see him create even more, you'll not spread around the stuff already done for free. How's that? You can always write Brad anytime at jabberwocky2000@hotmail.com with any questions. Oh, and you can click here for my thoughts on the whole copyright thing!